
As often is the case, my wife and I welcomed in the new year by watching the ball drop in Times Square (via the American Broadcasting Company). I was especially intrigued by a couple of things that I heard last night . . . namely statements out of the mouth of modern-day prophets (i.e. pop stars). I am always hesitant to take counsel from the rich and famous – but that is a blog for another day. One singer ended her performance by loudly proclaiming, “A year of change!” Still another celebrated with, “A new America!” Seems to me that, now more than ever, people are desperately looking for something new. This is the time of year where people finally come to the realization that life is not the way it was originally designed. Something is missing. Something needs to change. The problem is that we all want change without having to change ourselves.

The issues we will face in 2009 are really the same issues we have already faced in 2008 (and in past years for that matter). The chaos of life goes far beyond (but does indeed include the symptoms of) the economic recession, middle eastern wars, and transitioning governments. The real chaos – the darkness of this world – truly resides in our hearts. Nothing about a new year, unfortunately, will ever change that. We, by nature and nurture, are selfish people. The world is full of people who tend to care way too much about themselves and not enough about others. We are lusting after pleasure, power, and prosperity instead of looking out for the untouchables, unlovables, and unliklies.

The good news is this . . . God specializes in bringing order out of chaos – light piercing the darkness. The bible says, “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light ‘day,’ and the darkness he called ‘night.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day” (Genesis 1:3-5). Just as he created what was once good – he can recreate his own image in us and through us. My prayer is that Christ’s kingdom will come on earth as it is already in heaven. My hope is that the church will be empowered by the Spirit to reflect her Master in both belief and behavior (with holiness and a helping hand). Loving God and loving others (which includes our enemies). People are searching for something new . . . may this be the year they become new.


3 thoughts on “New

  1. Justin,My name is Justin Deweese and I am a Professional Speaker and a Church Planter from Chattanooga TN. I love Jesus and love to communicate His Word. If you need someone to speak in a relevant, engaging, funny, life changing way to your students and encourage them in God’s Word, I would love the opportunity. I would love to attend a D-Now, summer camp or any other event you may have. Check out and you can listen to an audio or video message. God bless and Happy New Year. Nice Blog. Cute kids


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